Comenzi rapide pentru tastatură

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Versiunea de browser a Forge of Empires vă oferă mai multe comenzi rapide pentru tastatură, fiind astfel mai rapid și mai ușor să gestionați acțiunile în joc.

Prezentarea comenzilor rapide

Tastă Efect Note
Escape Close current window Replaces the 'Enter' key method of closing some windows
B Enter/Exit Build Mode Only in city
U Open/Close Army Management Works when in city
C Open/Close Message Center Works when in city or GvG continent view
X Cancel production Only in production window
R Open/close research / tech tree Only in city
M Open/close Campaign Map Only in city
I Toggle Inventory open/closed Only in city
T Toggle Market open/closed Only in city
G Open/Close Guild window From either City or GVG Continent View
E Enter/Leave Guild Expeditions Only in city
Q Toggle quest overview open/closed Whenever quest overview is accessible
V Open GvG / Go back to global GvG view* / Go back to city** From city / *In GvG continent view / **In GvG global view
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0
Select Negotiation Partner / Select Resource for Negotiation / Submit attempt (the confirm button) Guild Expeditions, within negotiation minigame
Backspace Go back to city Anywhere in the game, except for from another person's city, and only when no additional in-game windows are open