Așezările culturale: Diferență între versiuni

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=== Cum accesez Așezările culturale?  ===
=== Cum accesez Așezările culturale?  ===
Așezările culturale se deblochează cu tehnologia 'Arat' din Epoca Fierului. După deblocare, veți găsi o barcă lângă oraș, ce vă va duce la noua așezare.
Așezările culturale se deblochează cu tehnologia „Arat” din Epoca Fierului. După deblocare, veți găsi o barcă lângă oraș, ce vă va duce la noua așezare.

Versiunea de la data 5 ianuarie 2019 21:19

Ce sunt Așezările culturale?

Una dintre ideile de bază care se află în spatele Așezărilor culturale este de a explora culturi noi din trecutul omenirii, în diferitele epoci ale Forge of Empires. Deoarece jocul principal a trecut deja dincolo de acele perioade, am venit cu acest nou mod de a explora și de a retrăi aceste culturi bogate din istoria noastră.

Aceste sate sunt separate de orașul principal, și au tematica în funcție de cultura pe care a ales-o jucătorul. Doar o singură Așezare culturală poate fi activă odată. Așezările culturale pot fi reluate de mai multe ori.

Cum accesez Așezările culturale?

Așezările culturale se deblochează cu tehnologia „Arat” din Epoca Fierului. După deblocare, veți găsi o barcă lângă oraș, ce vă va duce la noua așezare.


Upon clicking on the boat, you will be presented with all available Cultures in need of your assistance. Select the Culture you'd like, and then click Start to set sail! So far, the following cultures are available for you to offer your assistance. Click on each one to go directly to this culture's description:


Once your boat arrives at it's destination, you will be presented with a whole new map specific to the Cultural Settlement! It's important to note that, unlike regular expansions, with each play through all expansions from the Settlement, including those purchased with Diamonds, are reset. Note: Expansions within your main city remain unaffected.

Each different culture has it's own unique goods which are used as currency when building up a settlement. These goods are used to unlock new buildings and expansions. You can find a full list of a culture's goods on it's own page below.

Which Cultural Settlements are available?

Select a Cultural Settlement:
VikingLogo 500px.png

Vikings Cultural Settlement


But building up a village, is not as easy as you may think! Within your settlement are Impediments, unmovable obstacles, which block part of the city grid, making it harder to arrange your settlement. Buildings must be placed around Impediments, so try your best to find a layout that works

I SS Vikings Impediment1.png

With the start of each new Settlement, the Impediments will be rearranged in your city.



Playing through the Cultural Settlements offers you the opportunity to obtain some fantastic rewards. Not only will each individual quest offer their own rewards, but you also receive some awesome bonus items for completing the settlement in it's entirety. Each different culture offers it's own unique rewards themed around the culture you receive them from. Check out the details of each culture in the table above to find out what's on offer for each culture!


Sometimes when completing a Cultural Settlement, you will unlock Emissaries. Emissaries are honored guests from your settlement, who take up residence in your main city's Town Hall. When they are assigned to your Town Hall, they will to grant special bonuses. These bonuses are granted every day, when you collect from your Town Hall.

Each Emissary gives a different bonus. In the example below, you can see that Emissaries give you rewards such as Forge Points, Medals, or even a unit from your current era! Upon unlocking your first Emissary, you also unlock your first Emissary slot. More slots will become available as you complete more rounds of the Viking Cultural Settlements, but you can also purchase new slots with Diamonds if you want to! Not every new Emissary unlocked will also unlock a slot, so choose wisely!
