Aliații istorici: Diferență între versiuni

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(Pagină nouă: = What is Historical Allies? = 600px|center <br> Historical Allies is an new addition to your game, bringing historical depth and strategic complexity. Begin your quest to gather the greatest heroes in history. These powerful helpers can significantly boost your City! With this brand-new feature you will be able to join forces with the key historical figures and benefit from their vast knowledge to boost your gameplay. View and manage your A...)
Linia 1: Linia 1:

= What is Historical Allies? =
= Ce sunt aliații istorici? =

Historical Allies is an new addition to your game, bringing historical depth and strategic complexity. Begin your quest to gather the greatest heroes in history. These powerful helpers can significantly boost your City!
Aliații istorici reprezintă o nouă componentă, care introduce un nivel dinamic în joc, aducând profunzime istorică și complexitate strategică. Începeți-vă misiunea de a aduna cei mai mari eroi din istorie, pentru a vă consolida puterea orașului!

With this brand-new feature you will be able to join forces with the key historical figures and benefit from their vast knowledge to boost your gameplay. View and manage your Allies in the new off-grid Hall of Legends building and place them into specialized rooms we will gradually make available in selected City buildings to gain valuable bonuses.
Cu această opțiune nouă, veți putea să vă uniți forțele cu personaje istorice cheie și să beneficiați de cunoștințele lor vaste pentru a vă îmbunătăți jocul. Vă puteți vedea și gestiona aliații în noua clădire de lângă oraș, Galeria legendelor (numită "Aliați istorici" în joc), și îi puteți plasa în spații specializate, pe care le vom oferi treptat în anumite clădiri ale orașului, pentru a obține bonusuri valoroase.

Historical Allies is a richly integrated feature that will evolve and get updated in iterations.  
Aliații istorici reprezintă o funcție bine integrată, care va evolua și va fi actualizată în versiuni.

==Unlocking the Feature==
==Deblocarea opțiunii==
A new perk will appear on your Technology tree, signifying the addition of Historical Allies:
Un nou bonus va apărea în schema tehnologică, indicând adăugarea Aliaților istorici:
[[File:Icon historical allies.png|100px|center]]<br>
[[File:Icon historical allies.png|100px|center]]<br>

Historical Allies are available to everyone who unlocked the '''Roof Tile Houses Technology''' found in the Iron Age section of your tech tree.<br>
Deblocați Aliații istorici prin cercetarea tehnologiei „Case cu acoperiș de țiglă” din Epoca Fierului din schema tehnologică.<br>
[[File:Tech historical allies.png|500px|center]]<br>
[[File:Tech historical allies.png|500px|center]]<br>

Versiunea de la data 29 septembrie 2024 12:49

Ce sunt aliații istorici?


Aliații istorici reprezintă o nouă componentă, care introduce un nivel dinamic în joc, aducând profunzime istorică și complexitate strategică. Începeți-vă misiunea de a aduna cei mai mari eroi din istorie, pentru a vă consolida puterea orașului!

Cu această opțiune nouă, veți putea să vă uniți forțele cu personaje istorice cheie și să beneficiați de cunoștințele lor vaste pentru a vă îmbunătăți jocul. Vă puteți vedea și gestiona aliații în noua clădire de lângă oraș, Galeria legendelor (numită "Aliați istorici" în joc), și îi puteți plasa în spații specializate, pe care le vom oferi treptat în anumite clădiri ale orașului, pentru a obține bonusuri valoroase.

Aliații istorici reprezintă o funcție bine integrată, care va evolua și va fi actualizată în versiuni.

Deblocarea opțiunii

Un nou bonus va apărea în schema tehnologică, indicând adăugarea Aliaților istorici:

Icon historical allies.png

Deblocați Aliații istorici prin cercetarea tehnologiei „Case cu acoperiș de țiglă” din Epoca Fierului din schema tehnologică.

Tech historical allies.png

The Hall of Legends

Upon unlocking the feature, a new off-grid building, the Hall of Legends, will appear next to the Antiques Dealer. This building is central to the new feature.

The Hall of Legends
LockedHall historical allies.png
Locked State
If you haven't unlocked the feature yet, the building will appear in a demolished state. Clicking on this will display a teaser with information and images about Historical Allies.
UnlockedHall historical allies.png
Unlocked state
Click on the new building to access the Hall of Legends and manage your Allies!

The Hall of Legends provides a comprehensive view of all your Historical Allies and allows you to manage them:

  • Icons Display: Each Ally is represented by an icon showing its picture, level, rarity, and an additional icon for active status (when slotted into a building).
  • Placing and Recalling: Use the "Place" button in the UI to slot Historical Allies into compatible buildings, enhancing their effectiveness and utility in your cityscape. Use the "Recall" option for already slotted Allies to call them back to the Hall of Legends and free up their room for a different Ally.
  • Selection and Sorting: Allies are sorted by rarity, level, and name, with inactive and active (assigned to a building) Historical Allies neatly organized.
  • Detailed Information: When an Ally is selected, details such as name, rarity, level, era, and information text are displayed, providing insights into its historical significance and stats.
  • Notification System: A red exclamation mark icon alerts you when new Historical Allies are added to your inventory.


Housing of Historical Allies

Each Historical Ally has unique requirements and brings specialized advantages, making their placement a critical part of your city planning. To start utilizing the bonuses, you need to place an Ally into a "room" of a corresponding building. Rooms are special new slots for Historical Allies.

Housing historical alliesA.png

Each Ally will boost an aspect of gameplay, be it Forge Points production, your Quantum Incursions or unit stats.

Depending on their specialty, an Ally will need to be placed in a room that corresponds to their skills (military Allies in military rooms and so on). Note: For now, you will see Rooms being added to new buildings and not retrospectively.

The Art of Placement

To activate a Historical Ally's powers, you must slot it into a building equipped with the appropriate room type. For instance, a Military Room is required to harness the capabilities of a military-oriented Historical Ally. This system allows you to tailor your city's attributes by matching Historical Allies with corresponding buildings, enhancing your strategic depth.

Room Specifications and Varieties

Buildings feature designated slots, such as Military or Science Rooms. Rooms vary in rarity, mirroring the rarity system of Historical Allies themselves, and this can influence which Historical Allies you can place. For now, both the Allies and their corresponding Rooms will have mostly Common rarity.

As Historical Allies progresses, the selection of rooms available will expand.

Rarities of historical Allies

All Allies differ rarity, level and affinity, i.e. which bonuses they provide. You will recognize the rarity of an Ally by their portrait’s frame, color and the number of stars they have.

In the first iteration, only the Common Allies will be available.

Rarities historical allies.png

With the ability to add and remove Allies as you wish, you will be able to use different bonuses when they are needed, all without using up any more of your precious City space!

How do I get Allies?

Once the feature is available to you, you will immediately receive the starter Ally and the starter building!

The Spartan Soldier
Common level 1 Ally
12% Att boost icon.png
The Timeless Junction
starter building with a military Ally room
Spatan soldier historical allies.png Housing historical allies starting building.png

Multiple ways of getting Historical Allies as rewards will be introduced in time.