Modul Reconstrucție (Mobil)
Modul Reconstrucție este modalitatea ușoară și confortabilă de a rearanja toate clădirile din oraș. Această funcție se deblochează cu tehnologia Matematică din Epoca Fierului.
Pentru a deschide Modul Reconstrucție, apăsați butonul de construire și apoi pe cel de Reconstrucție din dreapta.
Se va deschide un nou meniu, care deschide un mod ușor de a muta clădirile sau de a rearanja orașul de la zero.
On the right side of your window you have a strip button:
Click on the strip button to activate the strip mode. Now you can temporarily stash all the buildings in your city. To stash multiple buildings, just swipe over the buildings.
All the buildings will be put in the Reconstruction Menu on the right side.
After stashing all the buildings you want to re-arrange, you can now build them again from the Reconstruction Menu on the right. This works the same, as from the normal building menu.
Select the building you want and place it on the desired spot in your city.
To save your progress you need to place all buildings again in your city, otherwise it won't work. If you want to revert all changes and restore your originall city, just click on the red 'revert' button .
While being in the Reconstruction Mode the timers of the buildings are running normally and will not be paused. Also the Set Buildings timer will not be reset, if you move them in the Reconstruction Mode. Other players will still see your 'old' city until you save your changes and can motivate and polivate your buildings.
Currently it's not possible to place buildings from your inventory, while being in the Reconstructions Mode, nor deleting or stashing buildings you don't need anymore. This still needs to be done outside of the Reconstruction Mode.