Costurile deblocării nivelurilor de dificultate
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Costurile deblocării nivelurilor de dificultate depind de epoca şi numărul membrilor ghildei când începe Expediția. Fiecare jucător din ghildă va genera un cost, în funcție de epoca din care face parte. Ghilda va trebui să plătească costul cumulativ pentru toţi membrii săi pentru a debloca nivelul de dificultate.
Player Era | Difficulty II Costs | Difficulty III Costs |
Iron Age | 2 of each Iron Age Goods | 4 of each Iron Age Goods |
Early Middle Ages | 2 of each Iron Age Goods | 4 of each Iron Age Goods |
High Middle Ages | 3 of each Early Middle Ages Goods | 6 of each Early Middle Ages Goods |
Late Middle Ages | 4 of each High Middle Ages Goods | 8 of each High Middle Ages Goods |
Colonial Age | 4 of each Late Middle Ages Goods | 8 of each Late Middle Ages Goods |
Industrial Age | 5 of each Colonial Age Goods | 10 of each Colonial Age Goods |
Progressive Era | 5 of each Industrial Age Goods | 10 of each Industrial Age Goods |
Modern Era | 5 of each Progressive Era Goods | 10 of each Progressive Era Goods |
Postmodern Era | 5 of each Modern Era Goods | 10 of each Modern Era Goods |
Contemporary Era | 5 of each Postmodern Era Goods | 10 of each Postmodern Era Goods |
Tomorrow Era | 6 of each Contemporary Era Goods | 12 of each Contemporary Era Goods |
The Future | 6 of each Tomorrow Era Goods | 12 of each Tomorrow Era Goods |
Arctic Future | 6 of each The Future Goods | 12 of each The Future Goods |