Evenimentul de iarnă 2022
Salutare! Ami, noul personaj care oferă misiuni, are nevoie de ajutorul vostru pentru a ilumina Mistletown în perioada sărbătorilor. Ajutați-o, ascultați-i poveștile și distrați-vă despachetând cadouri și câștigând premii magice! O veți mai întâlni și pe Isabella, personajul de anul trecut!
Cum pot participa la Evenimentul de iarnă?
Participarea la eveniment e la fel de ușoară ca deschiderea de cadouri!
Deschideți fereastra evenimentului, pentru a vedea toate cadourile disponibile pentru acea rundă. Apăsarea butonului "Începe" le va împacheta și amesteca. După amestecare, dați click pe oricare din cadouri pentru a-l despacheta! Fiecare cadou costă 10 Steluțe.
La fel ca anul trecut, aveți șansa de a despacheta cadouri uimitoare, care conțin recompense interesante. Amestecați grămada de cadouri misterioase și folosiți 10 steluțe pentru a deschide unul. Veți primi steluțe finalizând misiuni,dar și de la o misiune specială zilnică și de la incidentele din jurul orașului.În plus, de fiecare dată când deschideți un cadou, veți primi un băț de chibrit, care se poate folosi pentru a progresa către Marele Premiu! Folosiți un chibrit pentru a aprinde lumânări în 1, 2 sau 3 case din oraș. Odată ce toate cele 20 de case sunt luminate, bradul orașului se va lumina și veți obține Marele Premiu special!
În plus față de cadourile obișnuite, există și o șansă de a da peste un premiu special atunci când deschideți un cadou. Ele sunt:
Shuffle |
Shuffle will of course shuffle the board for you, and it will also give you 10 Stars. When combined with "Double Payout", the stars are doubled, but the tiles are only shuffled once. |
Double Payout |
Double Payout will double the reward from the next present you open. If you do not open any presents during that day, then the double payout will transfer to the next day when you open a present. |
Show 2 |
Show 2 will reveal to you the contents of two presents on the board, and it will also give you a small amount of Stars. When combined with "Double Payout", the stars are doubled, but only two tiles are revealed. |
Elves' Workshop
Hidden among the gifts on the shuffle board is the Daily Special. If you're lucky enough to win the Daily Special or find the "Shuffle", you'll also win an Elf for the Elves' Workshop. Each time you win an Elf you will have the opportunity to choose one of two gifts to add to a bonus gift pile which you can then unlock with diamonds. Or if you just can't choose, you can pay the diamond cost to add both of them, or even switch the gift options available to choose from!
Winter Event Calendar
There is more! The well known Winter Calendar will return, with 32 doors for you to open, with a reward behind each one of them! If you open all the Winter Calendar doors, you will gain some very special rewards.
To open these doors, you will need keys! You can find one key each day when unwrapping presents! New doors will unlock each day of the Winter Event, so make sure to come back every day to find the keys! In case you find a second key in the same day, it will be replaced by 1 Master Key Piece and 10 stars. Upon collecting five Key Parts, you will create a Master Key, that can be used to unlock previously missed doors.
Please note: If you get double reward before finding the Daily Key, you will get a Daily Key and a Master Key Part!
Winter Pass
Don't forget to claim your rewards in the Winter Pass. But don't worry, all unclaimed prizes will be granted automatically once the event is over. You also have the option to unlock the second tier of prizes again in this event, which will include our brand new Special Building: Nutcracker Guardhouse. In addition, you will now receive 1 Kits for one Grand Prize later on!
Winter Questline
This year, your Quest Giver Ami will guide you through the snowy town of Mistletown!
We hope you are prepared to face the cold as the Winter Event is back! During the event you will come across 70 quests. 38 rush quests will be available immediately, and then a new daily quest every single day of the event.
Winter Rewards
This year's Grand Prize will be the delicious looking Chocolatery. This is a building with 11 levels, and two options for the final level.
Click on the building name to see each buildings stats.
And the two final level for Chocolatery:
Ted's Choc |
Ketebo Candy |
Nutcracker Guardhouse
The Nutcracker Guardhouse is another all new reward building!
This new building provides boosts to attackers, Forge point, and, if motivated, additional Forge point and fragments of Mass Self-Aid Kit.
Winter Avatars
No Event is complete without some seasonal new Avatars for you to enjoy!
Willy (Quest reward) |
Padmini (Quest reward) |
Nutcracker (Premium Winter Pass) |
Snowman (Premium Winter Pass) |
Nicholas (Calendar Collection rew.) |
Returning buildings
As with previous years, there will be an opportunity to grab some of the prizes from previous years, these are now the winter train cars: Dining Car, Freight Car, Sleeping Car and the Parlor Car.