Regulamentul de joc

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Un cont per jucător

Fiecărui jucător îi este permis să administreze numai un singur cont pe lume de joc. Fiecare cont poate avea un singur proprietar şi este interzis ca pe el să intre o altă persoană.
Transmiterea parolei unei alte persoane este interzisă.
Sunt, de asemenea, interzise cunoașterea, păstrarea sau solicitarea parolei conturilor altor jucători. Dacă un alt jucător vă transmite parola sa, aveți obligația să îl raportați.
- Este interzisă crearea mai multor conturi pe aceeaşi lume de joc, indiferent de motiv.
- Este permisă folosirea aceluiași cont pe mai multe lumi de joc.
- Este permisă folosirea de mai multe conturi de joc, însă nu pe aceeași lume.
- Nu aveţi voie să vă logaţi pe niciun cont care nu vă aparţine, pe oricare lume de joc.
- Este interzis să jucaţi pentru un alt jucător dacă acesta lipseşte pentru o perioadă sau din orice alt motiv.
- Este strict interzisă încercarea de spargere a unui cont sau încercarea de a păcăli alţi jucători să îşi ofere datele de logare.
- Este, de asemenea, interzis să îi cereți altui jucător datele de conectare.

Mai mulţi jucători cu acelaşi calculator/legătură de internet

Este permis ca doi sau mai mulţi utilizatori să joace pe acelaşi calculator şi/sau IP, cu condiţia ca fiecare jucător să controleze doar propriul cont. (Vă rugăm să contactați Suportul pentru a anunța acest lucru).
- Este permis ca doi sau mai mulți membri ai familiei să aibă fiecare propriul cont pe Forge of Empires, cu condiția ca fiecare să aibă acces numai la propriul cont.
- Este de asemenea permis să vă logați de la școală sau de la serviciu, cu condiția să aveți acces numai la propriul cont.


InnoGames nu acceptă nicio afișare pe care Echipa Forge of Empires o consideră ilegală, jignitoare, ofensatoare, ameninţătoare, abuzivă, cu trimitere la agresivitate în viaţa reală, cu conţinut sexual, pornografic (incluzând dar nu limitându-se la imagini și grafică), politic extremist, fanatic religios, amenințător la adresa tinerilor, rasist, care amintesc sau promovează consumul de substanțe ilegale sau alcool, sau inadecvate din alte puncte de vedere. Postarea de linkuri cu un astfel de conținut este interzisă.
De asemenea, spamul prin mesaje sau în chat este interzis şi nu va fi tolerat.
Este împotriva regulilor să pretindeţi că sunteţi un membru al echipei FoE sau să sugeraţi orice fel de "prietenie" cu membrii acesteia pentru a obţine avantaje.
- It is forbidden to use inappropriate names,
- It is forbidden to advertise competitors' games, post inappropriate content or links to such, post links to moneymaking sites or links to competitors' games.
- It is allowed to refer to a player as a noob or to criticize their way of playing using appropriate language.
- Threats are only allowed when they relate to the game and not real life. For example, saying that you will attack someone with your units if he does not give you Forge Points is allowed. However, it is not allowed to say that you will find someone and beat him up if he does not give you Forge Points.
- Using only capital letters, or spamming the same message repeatedly in the chat room is not permitted as it is poor chat etiquette.
- We ask players to not use account names that include whole e-mail addresses, full names or telephone numbers, for player safety and safety of personal data.
- Encouraging other players to break rules is forbidden.


This Forge of Empires server is an English game. The use of other languages in the game is forbidden. This means all communication and all publications must be in English.
A short phrase or a universally known saying in another language is permitted, provided that this is translated to English either directly following or preceding it. It is not necessary to translate proper names.
Support requests must also be created in understandable English, otherwise an answer might be not be given.

Transfer of accounts and Diamonds

It is not allowed to play accounts for commercial purposes. It is not allowed to sell, buy, trade or offer accounts in exchange for Diamonds or any other benefit.
It is not allowed to exchange in-game items (e.g. goods, Forge Points etc.) for Diamonds or outside benefits (such as money, vouchers etc.).
An account can be transferred for free to another person. A prior express approval from the Support team must be given.
Diamonds may only be used by the account that bought them. Transferring Diamonds to another account is not possible.

Bots and scripts

It is strictly forbidden to use bots or scripts.
- It is strictly forbidden to use bots or scripts that automatically collect your resources.
- It is not allowed to use click-bots or scripts that minimize your manual clicks.
- You may not use programs that mimic premium features or provide an unfair advantage.


Each player is required to report serious errors immediately to the Forge of Empires Team. A player is not allowed to knowingly take advantage of bugs.
If you notice that a player is abusing a bug in the game you must report him.
If you notice a spelling error or typo, you are not obligated to report it, however you are encouraged to do so for the improvement of the game.


Operating a push account or knowingly benefiting from it is forbidden. A push account is an account that is mainly used to help another account while neglecting other parts of the game. This means that it is not allowed to use an account solely for the purpose of helping another account grow, or to knowingly receive benefits or any kind of support from such account.
Trades in any form (goods, Forge Points, etc.) that involve multiple worlds are forbidden.


Please treat other Forge of Empires Community members with respect. Following the rules helps to create a fun and fair environment for everyone.
The Community Management of the International version of Forge of Empires are the final arbiters of any rules dispute. Their interpretation of these rules is final.
Forge of Empires Team reserves the right to exclude anyone from the game. Bans can be appealed via the Support System.
Please be aware that in-game items can be removed from an account as a punishment, and that Diamonds aren't refunded to players who are banned for breaking our rules.
If you believe someone is breaking the rules, you can contact the Support Team.
Knowingly benefiting from another player breaking the rules is prohibited. If you think you have benefited from a breach of rules, you must report this.
It is not allowed to mistreat the Support Team or abuse the Support system.
These rules can be adapted to different cases in the interests of maintaining fair play within the game.

Account deletion

Game accounts may be deleted after 30 days of inactivity. Please note that any Diamonds left on the account will remain on the master account and will not be deleted, unless a complete account deletion has been requested.

Rules last revised: 01.09.2015