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Păstrarea contului vostru în condiții de siguranță este foarte importantă și foarte ușor de realizat, atâta timp cât vă amintiți câteva sfaturi cheie.

Parola contului vostru este stocată criptată pe serverele noastre. Acest lucru înseamnă că nu există nici o cale, nici pentru personalul Forge of Empires, nici pentru alți jucători de a avea acces la parole prin sistemul nostru.

Cu toate acestea, jucătorii ar putea avea totuși acces la cont, din următoarele cauze:

  • Ați ales o parolă care poate fi ușor de ghicit
  • V-ați logat pe cont de pe un calculator public și ați salvat parola pe acesta. De asemenea, este posibil ca cineva să vă fi văzut introducând parola
  • Sunteți victimă a unei fraude (denumită uneori phishing)

Here are a few tips on how to protect yourself against those things:

  • Choose your password carefully. It should not contain your first or last name, or anything easy to guess. A password such as "1234" or "password" is extremely insecure. You should choose something including numbers, capital letters and special characters.
  • When you log in on a public computer, make sure you don't select the auto login option. Always select "no" when asked if you want to save your password, and make sure that no one is watching you when you type it in.
  • No one from the Forge of Empires team will ever ask you for your password. If you're ever asked to enter your password, it will only be when logging in to the game, so check the address bar in your browser to make sure you're at the real version of Forge of Empires.
  • You should never use the same password for multiple sites. It is especially important not to use the same password that you use on your email address on any other site. If you lose control over your email, you will lose a lot more. If you ever lose your account password, you can recover it via your email. We will not be able to help you if you lose your email account.

Resetting your Forge of Empires Password

If by any chance you can't remember you password for Forge of Empires Beta, or simply want to change it from time to time, for security purposes, you can do it by following these steps:

1 - Go to

2 - Click on the "Forgot your Password?" link.

Reset Password

3 - Insert the email you used to register in the given box.

Enter Email

4- You will then be sent an e-mail which will allow you to choose a new password.